
美高梅mgm1888官网/物理化学研究所 2013-07-12 08:53:00 来源:美高梅mgm1888官网 点击: 收藏本文

Prof. Xin Xiao






    1. 光催化 (CO2还原、选择性催化、环境催化)

    2. 储能材料 (正负极材料、电极/电解质界面)




主持国家自然科学基金面上项目 2 项,主持广东省自然科学基金 5 项。以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文30多篇,其中中科院一区论文20多篇,发表在Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (环境催化领域顶刊,IF= 22.1)上的论文8 篇 ,发表在Chemical Engineering Journal (IF= 15.1) 上的论文8 篇。论文总被引超过 3500 次,单篇被引超 400 次,有5篇论文入选ESI高被引论文。获授权国家发明专利6件。入选全球前2%顶尖科学家(2023年,“终身科学影响力”和“年度科学影响力”),入选全球顶尖前10万科学家排行榜(2021年);担任Curr. Chin. Eng. Sci. 杂志编委会成员,担任Appl. Catal. B, Chem. Eng. J., ACS Appl. Mater. Inter., Environ. Sci. Tech.等国际知名杂志审稿人;担任全国材料与器件科学家智库专家委员会委员。

主讲本科物理化学实验,文献检索,课件制作技术,化学与社会等课程。已指导学术型硕士30多人,已指导教育硕士30多人,指导的 5 名学术型硕士生获得国家奖学金,指导的 4 篇教育硕士论文获评为优秀学位论文,指导本科毕业论文超过80篇。指导本科生以第一作者发表一区SCI论文。指导本科生“大创项目” 省级 5 项。指导本科生获得全国课件比赛一等二等奖共8项。在国家级出版社出版了教材 6 部。



1997.7-至今 华南师范大学,美高梅mgm1888官网


2008.9-2011.6 华南理工大学,化学与化工学院,博士
2002.9-2006.6 华南师范大学,化学与环境学院,硕士
1993.9-1997.6 华南师范大学,化学系,学士



 1. 主持 国家自然科学基金(面上项目)  2项(在研1项);


 2. 主持 广东省自然科学基金 5 项(在研1项);



  • Jing Li (李静), Yingxi Xiao, Songting Gu, Kejun Wu, Xi Zhao, Xiaoyang Zhao, Junmin Nan*,  Xin Xiao*, Natural polymer/wide-bandgap inorganic hybrids for visible-light-driven CO2 photoreduction: Unraveling the multiple effects of interfacial chemical bonding, Chemical Engineering Journal, 48 (2024) 147969  (SCI IF=15.1, 一区) 

  • Chenyu Li (李晨雨), Songting Gu, Yingxi Xiao, Xiaotong Lin, Xinyan Lin, Xiaoyang Zhao, Junmin Nan*, Xin Xiao*, Single-crystal oxygen-rich bismuth oxybromide nanosheets with highly exposed defective {10–1} facets for the selective oxidation of toluene under blue LED irradiation, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 668 (2024) 426-436  (SCI IF=9.9, 化学一区)  

  • Ningning Xu (徐宁宁), Chenyu Li, Xinyan Lin, Xiaotong Lin, Xiaoyang Zhao, Junmin Nan*, Xin Xiao*, Design of atomically dispersed N-Bi(3+x)+--OV sites in ultrathin Bi2O2CO3 nanosheets for efficient and durable visible-light-driven CO2 reduction, Applied Catalysis A: General 680 (2024) 119776 (SCI IF=5.5, 化学二区)   


  • Jing Li (李静), Cheng He, Ningning Xu, Kejun Wu, Zien Huang, Xiaoyang Zhao, Junmin Nan,  Xin Xiao*, Interfacial bonding of hydroxyl-modified g-C3N4 and Bi2O2CO3 toward boosted CO2 photoreduction: Insights into the key role of OH groups, Chemical Engineering Journal, 452 (2023) 139191  (SCI IF=15.1, 一区)  

  • Cheng He (贺骋), Jing Li, Xiaoyang Zhao, Xi Peng, Xiaochun Lin, Yanfei Ke, Xin Xiao*,  Xiaoxi Zuo, Junmin Nan, In situ anchoring of MnO nanoparticles into three-dimensional nitrogen-doped porous carbon framework as a stable anode for high-performance lithium storage, Applied Surface Science, 614 (2023) 156217 (SCI IF=6.7, 一区) 

  • Chenyu Li (李晨雨), Yajun Fan (范亚军), Songting Gu, Yingxi Xiao, Xiaoyang Zhao, Junmin Nan, Xin Xiao*, Microwave-assisted construction of 2D/2D direct Z-scheme g-C3N4/Bi4O5Br2 heterojunctions with enhanced molecular oxygen activation for boosting selective photocatalytic conversion of benzyl alcohol, Applied Surface Science, 636 (2023) 157809 (SCI IF=6.7, 一区) 

  • Xiaochun Lin (林晓纯, 本科生), Yanfei Ke (柯燕飞, 本科生), Xi Peng (彭熹, 本科生), Cheng He, Xiaoyang Zhao,  Xin Xiao*, Xiaoming Lin*, Junmin Nan*, Improving the rate capacity and cycle stability of FeP anodes for lithium-ion batteries via in situ carbon encapsulation and copper doping, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 634 (2023) 346-356 (SCI IF=9.9, 一区) 


  • Zijian Zhu (朱子健), Xiaoyang Zhao,  Xin Xiao*,  Chao Xu*, Xiaoxi Zuo, Junmin Nan*, Mechanistic insights into the formation of surface oxygen vacancies with controllable concentration and long-term stability in small-molecule bonded bismuth-based semiconductor hybrid photocatalyst, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 625 (2022) 109–118 (SCI IF=9.9, 一区) 

  • Yajun Fan (范亚军), Yuyan Mo, Xiaoyang Zhao, Xiaoxi Zuo, Junmin Nan*, Xin Xiao*, In-situ construction of Bi24O31Br10-decorated self-supported BiOBr microspheres for efficient and selective photocatalytic oxidation of aromatic alcohols to aldehydes under blue LED irradiation, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 10 (2022) 107382 (SCI IF=7.7, 二区)

  • Yuyan Mo (莫钰燕), Yajun Fan, Xin Xiao*, Xiaoxi Zuo, Junmin Nan*, Electrochemical Performance and Mechanism of Surface-Fluorinated Fe3O4 as Stable Anode for Lithium-Ion Batteries, Energy Technology, 10 (2022) 2200012 (SCI IF=3.8, 三区) 


  • Zijian Zhu (朱子健), Qi Zhang, Xin Xiao*, Fengqiang Sun, Xiaoxi Zuo, Junmin Nan*,  Dual-iodine-doped BiOIO3: Bulk and surface co–modification for enhanced visible-light photocatalytic removal of bisphenol AF, Chemical Engineering Journal, 404, 126543, 2021 (SCI IF=15.1, 一区) 

  • Qi Zhang (张琪), Zijian Zhu, Xiaoyang Zhao, Xin Xiao*, Xiaoxi Zuo, Junmin Nan*, Efficient and effective removal of emerging contaminants through the parallel coupling of rapid adsorption and photocatalytic degradation: A case study of fluoroquinolones, Chemosphere, 280, 130770, 2021 (SCI IF=8.8, 二区) 



  • Depei Zheng (郑德培), Xiuling Luo, Jing Yang, Xin Xiao*, Xiaoxi Zuo, Junmin Nan*,   Structural engineering of Fe2.8Sn0.2O4@C micro/nano composite as anode material for high-performance lithium ion batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 468, 228366, 2020 (SCI IF=9.2, 一区) 

  • Ling Zhang (张玲), Jing Yang (杨婧), Xiaoyang Zhao, Xin Xiao*, Fengqiang Sun, Xiaoxi Zuo, Junmin Nan*,  Small-molecule surface-modified bismuth-based semiconductors as a new class of visible-light-driven photocatalytic materials: Structure-dependent photocatalytic properties and photosensitization mechanism, Chemical Engineering Journal, 380, 122546, 2020 (SCI IF=15.1, 一区) 


  • Yang, Jing (杨婧), Zheng, Depei (郑德培), Xin Xiao*, Wu, Xujin, Zuo, Xiaoxi, Junmin Nan*, Iodine self-doping and oxygen vacancies doubly surface-modified BiOIO3: Facile in situ synthesis, band gap modulation, and excellent visible-light photocatalytic activity, Chemical Engineering Journal, 373, pp 935-945, 2019 (SCI IF=15.1, 一区) 

  • Ling Zhang (张玲), Fei Liu (刘飞), Xin Xiao*, Xiaoxi Zuo,Junmin Nan*,Microwave synthesis of iodine-doped bismuth oxychloride microspheres for the visible light photocatalytic removal of toxic hydroxyl-contained intermediates of parabens: catalyst synthesis, characterization, and mechanism insight. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26, pp 28871–288892019 (SCI IF=5.8, 二区)


  • Xin Xiao*, Chunxia Zheng (郑春霞), Mingli Lu (卢明莉), Ling Zhang, Fei Liu, Xiaoxi Zuo, Junmin Nan*, Deficient Bi24O31Br10 as a highly efficient photocatalyst for selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol into benzaldehyde under blue LED irradiation, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 228, pp 142–151, 2018 (SCI IF=22.1, 一区)


  • Xin Xiao*, Mingli Lu (卢明莉), Junmin Nan, Xiaoxi Zuo, Weide Zhang, Shaomin Liu, Shaobin Wang*, Rapid microwave synthesis of I-doped Bi4O5Br2with significantly enhanced visible-light photocatalysis for degradation of multiple parabens, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 218, pp 398–408, 2017 (SCI IF=22.1, 一区)

  • Chunxia Zheng (郑春霞), Guangping He, Xin Xiao*, Mingli Lu, Huan Zhong, Xiaoxi Zuo, Junmin Nan*, Selective photocatalytic oxidation of benzyl alcohol into benzaldehyde with high selectivity and conversion ratio over Bi4O5Br2 nanoflakes under blue LED irradiation, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 205, pp 201-210, 2017 (SCI IF=22.1, 一区)


  • Xin Xiao*, Shunheng Tu (涂舜恒), Mingli Lu, Huan Zhong, Chunxia Zheng, Xiaoxi Zuo, Junmin Nan*, Discussion on the reaction mechanism of the photocatalytic degradation of organic contaminants from a viewpoint of semiconductor photo-induced electrocatalysis, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 198, pp 124-132, 2016 (SCI IF=22.1, 一区)

  • Xin Xiao*, Huan Zhong (钟欢), Chunxia Zheng, Mingli Lu, Xiaoxi Zuo, Junmin Nan*, Deep oxidative desulfurization of dibenzothiophene using a flower-like WO3·H2O catalyst in an organic biphasic system, Chemical Engineering Journal, 304, pp 908–916, 2016 (SCI IF=15.1, 一区)   


  • Shunheng Tu (涂舜恒), Mingli Lu, Xin Xiao*, Chunxia Zheng, Huan Zhong, Xiaoxi Zuo, Junmin Nan*, Flower-like Bi4O5I2/Bi5O7I nanocomposite: facile hydrothermal synthesis and efficient photocatalytic degradation of propylparaben under visible-light irradiation, RSC Advances, 6, pp 44552-44560, 2016 (SCI IF=3.9, 三区)


  • Ruiping Hu (胡瑞萍), Xin Xiao*, Shunheng Tu, Xiaoxi Zuo, Junmin Nan*, Synthesis of flower-like heterostructured β-Bi2O3/Bi2O2CO3 microspheres using Bi2O2CO3 self-sacrifice precursor and its visible-light-induced photocatalytic degradation of o-phenylphenol, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 163, pp 510–519, 2015 (SCI IF=22.1, 一区, 入选ESI高被引论文)         

  • Guangping He, Chunlan Xing (邢春兰), Xin Xiao*, Ruiping Hu, Xiaoxi Zuo, Junmin Nan*, Facile synthesis of flower-like Bi12O17Cl2/β-Bi2O3 composites with enhanced visible light photocatalytic performance for the degradation of 4-tert-butylphenol, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 170-171, pp 1–9, 2015 (SCI IF=22.1, 一区)

  • Xin Xiao*, Shunheng Tu (涂舜恒), Chunxia Zheng, Huan Zhong, Xiaoxi Zuo and Junmin Nan*, L-Asparagine-assisted synthesis of flower-like β-Bi2O3 and its photocatalytic performance for the degradation of 4-phenylphenol under visible-light irradiation, RSC Advances, 5, 91, pp 74977-74985, 2015 (SCI IF=3.9, 三区)

  • Xin Xiao*, Ruiping Hu (胡瑞萍), Shunheng Tu, Chunxia Zheng, Huan Zhong, Xiaoxi Zuo, Junmin Nan*, One-pot synthesis of micro/nano structured β-Bi2O3 with tunable morphology for highly efficient photocatalytic degradation of methylparaben under visible-light irradiation, RSC Advances, 5, 48, pp 38373-38381,2015 (SCI IF=3.9, 三区)


  • Xin Xiao*, Xing Chunlan (邢春兰), He Guangping, Zuo Xiaoxi, Nan Junmin*, Solvothermal synthesis of novel hierarchical Bi4O5I2 nanoflakes with highly visible light photocatalytic performance for the degradation of 4-tert-butylphenol, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 148-149, pp 154–163, 2014 (SCI IF=22.1, 一区)


  • Xiao Xin, Hu Ruiping (胡瑞萍), Liu Chao, Xing Chunlan, Qian Cheng, Zuo Xiaoxi, Nan Junmin*, Wang Lishi, Facile large-scale synthesis of β-Bi2O3 nanospheres as a highly efficient photocatalyst for the degradation of acetaminophen under visible light irradiation, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 140-141, pp 433–443, 2013 (SCI IF=22.1, 一区, 被引205次)

  • Xiao Xin, Hu Ruiping (胡瑞萍),Liu Chao, Xing Chunlan, Zuo Xiaoxi, Nan Junmin*, Wang Lishi, Facile microwave synthesis of novel hierarchical Bi24O31Br10 nanoflakes with excellent visible light photocatalytic performance for the degradation of tetracycline hydrochloride, Chemical Engineering Journal, 225, pp 790–797, 2013 (SCI IF=15.1, 一区, 入选ESI高被引论文)


  • Xiao Xin, Liu Chao (刘超), Hu Ruiping, Zuo Xiaoxi, Nan Junmin*, Li Laisheng, Wang Lishi, Oxygen-rich bismuth oxyhalides: generalized one-pot synthesis, band structures and visible-light photocatalytic properties, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22, 43, pp 22840-22843, 2012 (SCI IF=11.9, 一区, 被引226次)

  • Xiao Xin, Hao Rong (郝荣), Liang Min, Zuo Xiaoxi, Nan Junmin*, Li Laisheng, Zhang Weide*, One-pot solvothermal synthesis of three-dimensional (3D) BiOI/BiOCl composites with enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activities for the degradation of bisphenol-A, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 233–234, 0, pp 122-130, 2012 (SCI IF=13.6, 一区,  被引246次,入选ESI高被引论文)

  • Xiao Xin, Hao Rong (郝荣), Zuo Xiaoxi, Nan Junmin*, Li Laisheng, Zhang Weide*, Microwave-assisted synthesis of hierarchical Bi7O9I3 microsheets for efficient photocatalytic degradation of bisphenol-A under visible light irradiation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 209, 0, pp 293-300, 2012 (SCI IF=15.1, 一区)

  • Hao Rong (郝荣), Xiao Xin, Zuo Xiaoxi, Nan Junmin*, Zhang Weide*, Efficient adsorption and visible-light photocatalytic degradation of tetracycline hydrochloride using mesoporous BiOI microspheres, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 209, pp 137-145, 2012 (SCI IF=13.6, 一区,  入选ESI高被引论文, 被引351次)


  • Xiao Xin, Zhang Weide*, Hierarchical Bi7O9I3 micro/nano-architecture: facile synthesis, growth mechanism, and high visible light photocatalytic performance, RSC Advances, 1, 6, pp 1099-1105,2011 (SCI IF=3.9, 三区)

  • Hu Kesui (胡科水), Xiao Xin, Cao Xiufan, Hao Rong, Zuo Xiaoxi, Zhang Xin, Nan Junmin*, Adsorptive separation and photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue dye on titanate nanotube powders prepared by hydrothermal process using metal Ti particles as a precursor, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 192, 2, pp 514-520, 2011 (SCI IF=13.6, 一区)


  • Xiao Xin, Zhang Weide*, Facile synthesis of nanostructured BiOI microspheres with high visible light-induced photocatalytic activity, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 20, 28, pp 5866-5870, 2010 (SCI IF=11.9, 一区, 入选ESI高被引论文, 被引327次)

  • Zhang Jinhuang (张敬环), Xiao Xin, Nan Junmin*, Hydrothermal-hydrolysis synthesis and photocatalytic properties of nano-TiO2 with an adjustable crystalline structure, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 176, 1-3, pp 617-622, 2010 (SCI IF=13.6, 一区)



1. 肖信, 南俊民, 涂舜恒, 左晓希. 一种氧化铋光催化剂及其制备方法和应用 (ZL 201510214225.1), 2017-05-24授权
肖信, 钟欢, 南俊民, 左晓希. 一种纳米钨酸催化剂及其制备方法和应用 (ZL 201610256062.8), 2018-12-21授权
肖信, 郑春霞, 南俊民, 左晓希. 一种溴氧化铋可见光催化剂及其制备方法 (ZL 201710807109.X), 2019-05-31授权
4. 肖信, 卢明莉, 南俊民, 左晓希. 一种碘掺杂纳米Bi4O5Br2可见光催化剂、制备方法及其应用 (ZL 201710424100.0), 2020-06-28授权
肖信,郑德培,南俊民,左晓希,莫钰燕. 一种掺氮碳包覆纳米四氧化三铁复合材料及其制备方法(ZL 202011096487.X), 2022-01-18授权
肖信, 莫钰燕, 南俊民, 左晓希. 一种表面氟化纳米四氧化三铁铿离子电池负极材料的制备方法及其应用(ZL 202110570543.7), 2022-05-25授权

[1] 肖信, 袁中直,《Internet化学化工文献信息检索与利用》,化学工业出版社 ,2014
[2] 汪朝阳,
肖信,《化学史人文教程》,科学出版社, 2010
肖信, 《Origin 8.0实用教程》,中国电力出版社, 2009
肖信,  汪朝阳 等,《信息技术与化学教学》,化学工业出版社 ,2005
[5] 袁中直, 
肖信, 《化学多媒体素材制作和应用》,化学工业出版社, 2004
[6] 袁中直, 
肖信, 陈学艺,《化学化工信息资源检索和利用》,江苏科学技术出版社, 2001




  • Luo Xiuling, Wei Bing*, Shi Min, Xiao Xin. Exploring the impact of the reasoning flow scaffold (RFS) on students’ scientific argumentation: based on the structure of observed learning outcomes (SOLO) taxonomy. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 2020,21, 1083-1094   (SSCI &  SCI, IF=3.367)

  • 罗秀玲, 李铭冰, 肖信.  论 "证据推理"素养及其培养[J].课程·教材·教法,2020(04):108-113.6

  • 刘月萍,罗秀玲,肖信. 基于模型建构的论证教学在化学概念学习中的应用——以“原电池”概念学习为例,化学教育,2022(03):63-73

  • 叶梅,肖信, 罗秀玲. 以开源电子平台开发简易光度计及菠菜中铁元素的测定,化学教学,2022(12):71-74.

  • 萧铭桦, 肖信, 罗秀玲. 基于移动增强现实技术的化学教学软件设计与开发[J].化学教学,2020(02):93-97.

  • 王芳芳, 肖信, 罗秀玲. 移动App在化学教育中的应用:类型与展望[J].化学教育(中英文),2020,41(03):72-77.

  • 张雅娜, 肖信, 罗秀玲. SOLO分类理论在科学论证评价中的应用[J].化学教育(中英文),2019,40(07):63-67.

  • 王晓林, 肖信, 罗秀玲. 微课在中学化学教学中的应用——基于硕士学位论文的文献分析[J].化学教育(中英文),2019,40(01):78-81.

  • 麦裕华, 何庆辉, 肖信. 基于知识空间理论的高中生科学原理学习分析——以氧化还原反应为例[J].化学教育(中英文),2018,39(19):34-40.

  • 罗秀玲, 肖信, 陈欢. 职前化学教师科学论证能力的表现性评价[J].化学教育,2016,37(16):43-47.

  • 麦裕华, 肖信. 国内中学化学教育应用SOLO分类理论的研究进展:2006-201[J].化学教育,2016,37(07):6-13.6

  • 罗秀玲, 肖信.“化学实验教学论”课程中论证教学的探索——以喷泉系列实验为例[J].化学教育,2016,37(06):46-49.

  • 唐律, 麦裕华, 肖信. 全面激活化学结构——基于Chime插件的动态可视化交互技术[J].化学教育,2009,30(02):52-54.

  • 何根荣, 麦裕华, 肖信. 对国外化学实验教学网站信息呈现方式的浅层分析[J].化学教学,2007(08):54-56+34.

  • 麦裕华, 肖信. 基于控件集成技术的分子结构可视化教学[J].化学教学,2007(03):45-47.

  • 汪朝阳, 肖信, 罗静霞. 基于网络的拓展性探究教学模式在化学史教学中的应用[J].化学教育,2006(06):62-64.

  • 汪朝阳, 肖信, 罗静霞.《化学史》课程Webquest教学模式的探索与思考[J].广东化工,2006(02):69-71.

  • 肖信, 袁中直. 基于全文文档检索技术的化学教学模式[J].计算机与应用化学,2005(09):128-130.

  • 汪朝阳, 肖信, 潘裕斌, 袁中直. 化学史网络课程的开发与应用[J].大学化学,2004(04):35-38.

  • 肖信, 袁中直. 通用轨道绘制软件Orbital Viewer及其在教学中的应用[J].大学化学,2003(04):41-43.

  • 肖信, 袁中直, 何广平, 李星华. WebCAI-基于WWW的辅助教学课件[J].计算机与应用化学,2002(04):505-507.

  • 肖信, 袁中直, 林思卫, 李景宁. 优化VRML技术增强Web有机化学课件的交互性[J].有机化学,2002(04):294-298.

  • 袁中直, 李星华, 肖信, 何广平. 通用复习练习多媒体课件写作工具的开发与应用[J].化学通报,2000(10):56-59.
