
美高梅mgm1888官网/分析化学研究所 2012-09-24 08:49:00 来源:美高梅mgm1888官网 点击: 收藏本文


姓名: 曹玉娟



籍贯: 内蒙古自治区

职称: 副教授
















探针与传感器  生物传感






1. Liu Y, Guo X, Fan ZJ, Liao YH, Yu Y, Guo ML, Cao YJ*, Zhu DB*. A novel signal amplification strategy for highly specific and nonenzymatic isothermal electrochemiluminescence detection of tumour markers, Anal. Methods, 2020, 12, 938-942.

2. Liu Q, Zhu DB, Guo ML, Yu Y, Cao YJ*. Facile and efficient fabrication of g-C3N4 quantum dots for fluorescent analysis of trace copper(II) in environmental samples, Chin. Chem. Lett., 2019, 30, 1639-1642.

3. Cao YJ*, Wang S, Wu W, Peng H, Yu Y, Zhu DB. Cucurbit[6]uril modified CdTe quantum dots fluorescent probe and its selective analysis of p-nitroaniline in environmental samples, Talanta, 2019, 199, 667-673.

4. Yan Liu, Yadong Wei, Yujuan Cao*, Debin Zhu*, Wen'ge Ma, Ying Yu, Manli Guo. Ultrasensitive electrochemiluminescence detection of Staphylococcus aureus via enzyme-free branched DNA signal amplification probe, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2018, 117, 830-837

5. Bixia Lin, Ying Yu*, Yujuan Cao, Manli Guo, Debin Zhu, Jiaxing Dai, Minshi Zheng. Point-of-care testing for streptomycin based on aptamer recognizing and digital image colorimetry by smartphone, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2018, 100, 482-489

6. Yan Liu, Debin Zhu*, Yujuan Cao*, Wenge Ma, Ying Yu, Manli Guo, Xiaobo Xing. A novel universal signal amplification probe-based electrochemiluminescence assay for sensitive detection of pathogenic bacteria, Electrochemistry Communications 2017, 85, 11–14.

7. Lina Zhou, Yujuan Cao, Bixia Lin, Shuhua Song, Ying Yu∗, Shui Lingling, In-situ visual and ultrasensitive detection of phosmet using a fluorescent immunoassay probe, Sensors and Actuators B, 2017,241: 975-922

8. Qianchun Zhang, GongkeLi*, Xiaohua Xiao*, Song Zhan, Yujuan Cao. Efficient and selective enrichment of ultratrace cytokinins in plant samples by magnetic perhydroxy-cucurbit[8] uril microspheres. Analytical Chemistry, 2016, 88, 4055 4062.

9. Yujuan Cao, Wei Wu, Jiongling Wei, Song Wang, Xiaogang Hu, Ying Yu. Encapsulating quantum dots with amino functionalized mesoporous hollow silica microspheres for the selective and sensitive analysis formaldehyde in seafood, Analytical Methods, 2016, 8, 4101–4107

10. Yujuan Cao, Wei Wu, Song Wang, Hong Peng, Xiaogang Hu, Ying Yu. Monolayer g-C3N4 fluorescent sensor for sensitive and selective colorimetric detection of silver ion from aqueous samples, Journal of Fluorescence, 2016, 26, 739-744

11. Yujuan Cao, Jiongling Wei, Wei Wu, Song Wang, Xiaogang Hu, Ying Yu. Permethylated β-cyclodextrin capped CdTe quantum dot and its sensitive fluorescence analysis of malachite green, Journal of Fluorescence, 2015, 25, 1397-1402

12. Yujuan Cao, Shuangshuang Wu, Yaozhen Liang, Ying Yu. The molecular recognition of β-cyclodextrin modified CdSe quantum dots with tyrosine enantiomers: Theoretical calculation and experimental study, Journal of Molecular Structure, 2013, 1031, 9-13.

13. Yujuan Cao, Runhua Lu. Influence of substituted groups on the binding ability of benzoyl-modified β-cyclodextrins, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2009, 74, 892-895.

14. Yujuan Cao, Runhua Lu. 1H NMR titration and quantum calculation for the inclusion complexes of cis-cyclooctene, cis, cis-1, 3-cyclooctadiene and cis, cis-1, 5-cyclooctadiene with β-cyclodextrin, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2009, 73, 713-718.


1.朱德斌、陈桂鹏、曹玉娟、邢小波、李小梅、马文革,基于核酸酶保护法和电化学发光原理的食源性致病菌检测方法,公开号 : CN108107037A,公开日 : 2018.06.01

2.曹玉娟、林观芳、朱德斌、郭慢丽,一种基于树形分子的量子点荧光强度增强方法,公开号 : CN107936943A,公开日 : 2018.04.20

3.曹玉娟、刘勤、朱德斌、林观芳、谭愿斌,一种快速制备大面积超薄碳化氮纳米片的方法,公开号 : CN107572491A,公开日 : 2018.01.12

4.朱德斌、曹玉娟、刘思婷、马文革,一种基于g-C3N4与CdTe/CdS量子点相互作用的双标记核酸检测方法,公开号 : CN107287291A,公开日 : 2017.10.24

5.朱德斌、刘岩、曹玉娟,一种基于分支DNA放大信号的电化学发光核酸检测方法及试剂盒,公开号 : CN106701984A,公开日 : 2017.05.24

8.曹玉娟、王颂、吴威,一种单层g-C3N4荧光传感器的制备及其应用,公开号 : CN105067579A,公开日  2015.11.18

9.曹玉娟、吴威,空心多孔硅球包覆量子点荧光传感器的制备及其应用,公开号 : CN104927866B,公开日 : 2017.05.24
